Don Bosco B.Ed College is a College of Teacher Education, Dimapur

Bosco College of Teacher
Education, Dimapur

The celebration of Nayi Chetna 2.0, a gender campaign at Bosco College of Teacher Education in Dimapur, Nagaland

The celebration of Nayi Chetna 2.0, a gender campaign at Bosco College of Teacher Education in Dimapur, Nagaland, was a momentous event that brought together 100 students and 15 teachers in a collective effort to foster gender equality and promote a safe and inclusive environment.

The event commenced with a powerful pledge-taking ceremony, where participants vowed to progress towards a workplace that values all gender identities, ensuring equal opportunities and a sense of belonging. These commitments were encapsulated in the Gender Pledge Statement, emphasizing the importance of a safe working environment and equal opportunities for everyone.

During the rally that followed, students carried placards bearing pledges, each one representing a shared commitment to the cause. The first pledge underscored the belief in the dignity of all individuals, emphasizing the right to respect and equality of opportunity. The strength derived from embracing differences and the positive contributions of diversity were acknowledged as crucial elements enriching the college community.

The second pledge, was a solemn commitment by each participant to extend due regard and respect to women. It explicitly denounced any form of violent behavior towards women and emphasized the responsibility to uphold and protect the dignity of women both within the educational institution and in society at large. This pledge echoed a strong stance against gender bias, promoting a culture of mutual respect and understanding.

The final pledge highlighted the importance of communication and accountability in fostering gender equality. Participants pledged to communicate their commitment to gender equality broadly, and be accountable for demonstrating inclusive behaviors. This commitment aimed to create a ripple effect, inspiring others to actively contribute to the cause of gender equality.

The rally itself was a visual representation of unity and determination, as students proudly displayed their placards, marching together in solidarity. The vibrant atmosphere resonated with the shared vision of a future where gender equality is not just an ideal but a lived reality.

The impact of Nayi Chetna 2.0 extended beyond the event itself, creating a lasting impression on the college community. The pledges served as a constant reminder of the collective responsibility to foster an inclusive and respectful environment, influencing both individual behavior and institutional practices. In conclusion, the celebration of Nayi Chetna 2.0 at Bosco College of Teacher Education in Dimapur, Nagaland, was a significant step towards building a gender-inclusive community. The pledges made by students and teachers reflected a shared commitment to creating a workplace and society where everyone, regardless of gender identity, can thrive with dignity and equality.

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