
Bosco College of Teacher Education, Dimapur

Bosco College of Teacher
Education, Dimapur

NAAC B++ Grade (First Cycle)

College Emblem and Motto

The Cross is the universal sign of Sacrificial Love. The Book represents Eternal Wisdom.

Don Bosco is the Great Educator, Father and Friend of Youth. Mithun Head symbolizes the Local Cultural Heritage.

The Spears represent the rich Naga Culture.

Exemplo Docemus in Latin means: ‘We Teach by Example.’

Our Motto

The motto of the College is Exemplo Docemus, meaning, ‘We Teach by Example.’ It throws light on the supreme importance of the person of the teacher and educator in imparting knowledge. The pupils learn more from the personal example of the educator than the lectures in the classroom. “Lead by example”, must be a constant self-reminder for every educator. Our teaching should not end in the classroom; an educator has to be a role model both in the classroom, and more especially, out of it. The educators can reform others unconsciously, when they live uprightly. Verba movent, exempla trahunt – ‘Words move, example drags,’ so runs the ancient wisdom. Example is more forceful than precept. Eloquence can move people, but a lived example has the innate force to literally drag the people to action. Example is the school of humanity from which everyone learns without being taught. We can teach better with our life than with our lips. The example of great and noble educators can become contagious and lead others to noble thoughts and deeds. Indeed, the greatest gift that we can bestow on our pupils and others is good example.

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